• Why is the survey being undertaken?

    A) To give local residents a say in the size and type of housing that might be built in the parish or neighbourhood.

    B) To provide an answer to the question: ‘To what extent is additional housing needed to suit the ongoing needs of local people if any?’   

    It is not uncommon for local planning authorities to require people thinking of applying for planning permission to undertake local housing needs assessments in rural areas with high landscape value.

  • Will the survey just measure need for affordable housing?

    No, the survey will gather evidence of need for all types and sizes of housing.

  • Why is the survey being commissioned by a private person or company rather than the parish council or local authority?

    We accept commissions from any individual or body that needs a housing needs survey. 

  • Does who commissions the survey make any difference to the survey report findings?

    No. Independent consultants CNB Housing Insights undertake both local authority and private commissions. The same method is used in all cases and previous reports are available via the internet. 

  • How do you assess local housing needs?

    Evidence from the survey is considered alongside evidence from the local authority, estate and letting agents and official government population projections to estimate the likely mismatch between housing supply and demand going forward.  

  • A friend or relative not living in the parish would like to live in the parish. Can they complete the survey?

    Yes. We woud request that they complete the survey online, but would be happy to send a paper survey out if required. 

  • Someone that works in the parish or cares for or provides regular support a parish resident would like to live in the parish. Can they complete the survey?

    Yes. We woud request that they complete the survey online, but would be happy to send a paper survey out if required. 

  • Someone is leaving our household to live in a home of their own, should they complete the survey?

    Yes - please complete part 3 of the questionnaire.  However you should still complete part 3 if you also plan to move  within the next 5 years.

  • Can you assure me that my response is confidential?

    Absolutely. You will note that we do not ask you for your name or address on the questionnaire so we cannot identify you. Entry for the prize draw (if applicable) is optional and we ask only for enough information to get in touch with you.  

  • I’ve spoiled my form can I get another one?

    Of course. If possible, please complete it online, but if you need a copy, please feel free to contact us. 

  • Can I get help to complete the survey?

    Absolutely. Please contact us. 

  • How do I complete the survey on line?

    Visit www.cnbhousing.co.uk and click on the 'Surveys' page. You will find a link to the survey there.   The paper verion of the questionnaire also contains a QR code.

  • Why are the survey forms numbered?

    This is only to comply with GDPR and no other reason. You have the right to amend or withdraw the information you supply so we need to be able to identify your response.  

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