Neighbourhood Planning


Key Features of our Housing Needs Surveys and evidence bases for neighbourhood plans:

experienced and successful with all of our projects successful at neighbourhood plan examination where submitted;
• we understand the neighbourhood plan process in its entirely
we go further than the Locality Toolkit by quantifying the type and tenure of housing that is needed locally;
flexible survey design capable of canvassing public views on topics other than housing; and
• we have experience of undertaking public consultation in connection with neighbourhood planning processes.

Housing needs surveys are a crucial part of the neighbourhood plan evidence base.

Why CNB Housing Insights? 

CNB Housing Insights believes that the Locality Toolkit does not go far enough to capture the range and quality of evidence needed to frame and underpin policy. In particular no household survey is recommended that enables housing issues in the neighbourhood to be fully understood, quantified and evidenced.  

Further, in some of the work we have seen undertaken by other agencies we believe that data and information on local housing has been wrongly interpreted.

CNB Housing Insights has a flexible approach to housing need survey  questionnaire design. Our basic survey questionnaire is short and easy for residents to complete. However, in addition to questions needed to assess the need for additional housing locally we can add questions to find out what the general public believes about:

• the need for additional housing generally;
• what priorities respondents would attach to housing being provided for particular household groups such as new households, older people and key workers;
• what types of housing respondents believe necessary, if any; and
• what additional facilities local households wish to see established locally.

CNB Housing Insights partner Chris Broughton has personally worked closely with neighbourhood plan steering groups and both designed and participated in local consultation events. He has built on HNS findings and helped steering groups to develop policy responses to local issues. He has undertaken HRA and SEA screening exercises.

Chris has contributed to numerous neighbourhood plans by delivering HNS including Barwick and Scholes, Blackrod, Charlbury, East Meon, Haworth, Petersfield, Plaistow and Sidmouth.

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